This episode features Stellaterra’s great “Radiant” release — a loving tribute to Berlin School. We also will hear Mahorka’s “Talking Pictures” release, with contributions from many Mahorka artists, each taking a still from famous movies as a prompt.
We’ll round out the second hour with some extra tracks from Ether, Team Metlay, and Rinse, Repeat.
This show features tracks built on sounds from the CONET Project: recordings of “numbers stations”. These radio stations are coded messages to spies, alerting them as to what decryption keys they should be using.
On the surface, they are mysterious strings of numbers or letters in the international phonetic alphabet, recited by synthesized voices: excellent raw material for electronic musicians.
This episode features tracks from two releases from the PublicSpaces Lab netlabel:
We premiered (at least for our listeners) Thom Brennan’s Aftermath release, which came out the week before this episode was recorded, and rounded out the show with two releases from Bump Foot, the Fail EP from Drugstore, and the gnomic QX#55’s 6+6=12.
Thom has come through with his usual smooth, deceptively simple sequencer-driven melodies, and the other two contrast nicely with a bit more attitude and interesting explorations of timbre.
Two Kahvi releases, one featuring 4T Thieves and Pandacetamol, and the other featuring various Kahvi artists. Lots of beats and a couple of great remixes.
No balrogs this episode, but lots of percussion: your regular Western drum set, synthetic percussion, the good old 808, Middle Eastern percussion, …even the piano! Lots of different kinds of percussion this show.
Originally, this episode was meant to be a feature of the ARP 2600, but the weekend before it was recorded, Darwin Grosse died. He was a friend of many of RadioSpiral’s DJ’s, a great force in musical education, one of the founding members of Cycling ’74 (home of Max), and an excellent musician, especially on the 2600.
We decided to feature Darwin’s music to remember him, so this episode features two full albums and a few tracks from a third:
This episode’s theme is equinoxes, a thing near and dear to Equinox’s heart.
The feature for this episode is Max Corbacho’s new release, Equinox, which is the first full hour and a quarter of the episode. The latter part of the episode includes a new five-part Equinoctal, Manhattanhenge, and Lucette Bourdin’s Crossing the Equinox to round out the episode.
In Utera, a new – and first! – album from AntiMonos. “His music is built from emotions, stories and experiments. Its objective is to take us to different worlds and to offer the listener to be at the center of this journey, to appropriate it to shape their own story.”
Obscure Matrix [Cyberwave Edition], a collaboration between Humanfobia, a “dark electronic, experimental, ghost computer music project from Rancagua, Chile”, and α Ori, a “glitch, noise, experimental project created by Julien A. Lacroix from France”. It’s a fantastic ambient techno album.
Ambient Box, by Rog (Roger Guerrero), which bills itself as ambient, but is a lot more, with great beats and a lot of complexity. “The concept for this material was conceived on the idea of mantras and prayers. Every sound was recorded through my daily experience in the environment I live, specially in these circumstances worldwide bringing a different layers of what I usually go for dance beats. I wanted to preserve a lot of techno elements in each track without losing what I wanted to bring to the table – meditation in a noisy city where sound pollution is real. I questioned myself how I can organize all these sounds and make them intimate and beautiful.”
Tonight’s episode premieres Shepherd Drift, a new album from the Kahvi Collective. Shepherd Drift is the 2019 artists compilation, and is almost three hours of great music. We excerpted about two hours worth for this episode, with everything from drifty ambience to serious beats. As always, Kahvi comes through with another exceptional album!